Parking problems in strata or community living can be a delicate issue, with visitor parking often becoming a point of contention. Whether residents or guests, individuals may misuse these spaces, causing frustration. Here are five actionable tips to address and resolve visitor parking abuse:
Document It: Maintaining a register of individuals abusing parking privileges is a strategic approach to address recurring issues in strata communities. This register can serve as a valuable tool to track patterns, document instances of misuse, and aid in developing targeted solutions. By keeping detailed records, strata managers and committees can enhance their ability to enforce parking rules, issue notices to comply, and take appropriate actions to ensure a fair and orderly use of parking spaces within the community.
Implement Clear Parking Signs: Ensure all parking areas are visibly signposted with clear messages such as 'Visitor Parking Only' or 'Visitor Parking – 2 Hour Limit.' If existing signs are damaged or unclear, replace them. Communicate to all owners and residents that parking rules will be enforced.
Include Visitor Parking Time Limits in By-Laws: If your strata by-laws lack specific details about visitor parking, consider proposing amendments. By-laws can be updated to include time limits for visitor parking or any necessary rules. Address issues related to residents with overnight guests through policies that allow short stays.
Install Parking Bollards: While there's an upfront cost, installing parking bollards can be an effective deterrent against unauthorized parking. Various types, including manual barriers and Bluetooth-enabled versions, cater to different budgets and enhance control over parking spaces.
Serve a Notice to Comply: In cases of persistent parking abuse, issue a notice to comply to the offending vehicle owner. This notice informs them of the by-law breach, prompting them to move their vehicle. Failure to comply can lead to referral to an appeals tribunal, resulting in penalties for the offender.
When anticipating visits from parents, partners, or friends for temporary but extended stays, it's advisable to take a proactive approach by communicating with both the strata committee and the strata manager. In many cases, they are willing to accommodate short-term visitors, and by informing them in advance, you contribute to a smoother and more transparent process. This communication fosters understanding and ensures compliance with any relevant by-laws.
Parking often stands out as one of the most prevalent issues and a common source of conflict within strata and community living. If your community is grappling with parking challenges, don't hesitate to reach out to the experienced team at Compass Strata. With our wealth of expertise, we can provide valuable insights and solutions to help alleviate parking issues, fostering harmony and a smoother living experience for all residents.